Source code for unittests.test_server_unit

"""Unittests for Server class in"""
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../../")))

from gstswitch.server import Server
import pytest
from gstswitch.exception import ServerProcessError
import subprocess
from distutils import spawn
from mock import Mock

PATH = '/usr/bin/'

[docs]class TestPath(object): """Test the path parameter""" # Path Tests
[docs] def test_path_provided_slash(self): """Test if a path is provided""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr/' serv = Server(path=path) serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split()
[docs] def test_path_provided_no_slash(self): """Test if a path is provided""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path) serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split()
[docs] def test_path_empty(self, monkeypatch): """Test if null path is given""" def mock_method(arg): "Mocking _start_process" return arg def mockreturn(path): "Mocking distutils.spawn.find_executable" return '/usr/gst-switch-srv' monkeypatch.setattr(spawn, 'find_executable', mockreturn) paths = [None, ''] for path in paths: serv = Server(path=path) serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split()
[docs]class TestVideoPort(object): """Test for video_port parameter""" # Video Port Tests
[docs] def test_invalid_video_port_null(self): """Test when the video_port is null""" video_ports = [None, '', [], {}] for video_port in video_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, video_port=video_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_video_port_type(self): """Test when the video port given is not a valid integral value""" video_ports = [[1, 2, 3], {1: 2, 2: 3}] for video_port in video_ports: with pytest.raises(TypeError): Server(path=PATH, video_port=video_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_video_port_range(self): """Test when the video port is not in range""" video_ports = [-99, -1, 1e6] for video_port in video_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, video_port=video_port)
[docs]class TestAudioPort(object): """Test for audio_port parameter""" # Audio Port Tests
[docs] def test_invalid_audio_port_null(self): """Test when the audio_port is null""" audio_ports = [None, '', [], {}] for audio_port in audio_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, audio_port=audio_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_audio_port_type(self): """Test when the audio port given is not a valid integral value""" audio_ports = [[1, 2, 3], {1: 2, 2: 3}] for audio_port in audio_ports: with pytest.raises(TypeError): Server(path=PATH, audio_port=audio_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_audio_port_range(self): """Test when the audio port is not in range""" audio_ports = [-99, -1, 1e6] for audio_port in audio_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, audio_port=audio_port)
[docs]class TestControlPort(object): """Test the control_port parameter""" # Control Port Tests
[docs] def test_invalid_control_port_null(self): """Test when the control port is null""" control_ports = [None, '', [], {}] for control_port in control_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, control_port=control_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_control_port_type(self): """Test when the control port is not a valid integral value""" control_ports = [[1, 2, 3], {1: 2, 2: 3}] for control_port in control_ports: with pytest.raises(TypeError): Server(path=PATH, control_port=control_port)
[docs] def test_invalid_control_port_range(self): """Test when the control port is not in range""" control_ports = [-99, -1, 1e6] for control_port in control_ports: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, control_port=control_port)
[docs]class TestRecordFile(object): """Test the record_file parameter""" # Record File
[docs] def test_record_file_false(self): """Test if record file is False""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path, record_file=False) serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split()
[docs] def test_record_file_true(self): """Test if record file is True""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path, record_file=True) serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000 -r".split()
[docs] def test_record_file_valid(self): """Test if record file is valid""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path, record_file="") serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split()
[docs] def test_record_file_valid_date(self): """Test if record file is valid""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path, record_file="") serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000 \".split()
[docs] def test_record_file_valid_space(self): """Test if record file is valid and has a space""" def mock_method(arg): """Mocking _start_process""" return arg path = '/usr' serv = Server(path=path, record_file='record') serv._start_process = mock_method assert serv._run_process() == "/usr/gst-switch-srv \ --video-input-port=3000 --audio-input-port=4000 \ --control-port=5000".split() + ["--record=record"]
[docs] def test_record_file_invalid(self): """Test when the record_file is invalid""" files = ['', None, [], {}] for record_file in files: with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, record_file=record_file)
[docs] def test_record_file_slashes(self): """Test when the record_file has forward slashes""" filename = 'abcd/xyz/' with pytest.raises(ValueError): Server(path=PATH, record_file=filename)
[docs]class TestKillTerminate(object): """Test kill, terminate and gcov_flush methods""" # OS Errors
[docs] def test_terminate_fail(self): """Test when terminate fails""" class FakeProc(object): """A mock process""" def __init__(self): pass def terminate(self): """Terminate the mock process""" raise OSError serv = Server(path=PATH) serv.proc = FakeProc() with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.terminate()
[docs] def test_kill_fail(self): """Test when kill fails""" serv = Server(path=PATH) serv.proc = 1 = -300 with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.kill()
[docs] def test_no_process_kill(self): """Test when no process exists and kill is called""" serv = Server(path=PATH) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.kill()
[docs] def test_no_process_terminate(self): """Test when no process exists and terminate is called""" serv = Server(path=PATH) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.terminate()
[docs] def test_no_process_gov_flush(self): """Test when no process exists and gcov_flush is called""" serv = Server(path=PATH) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.gcov_flush()
[docs] def test_gcov_flush_fail(self): """Test when gcov_flush fails""" serv = Server(path=PATH) serv.proc = 1 = -300 with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.gcov_flush()
[docs]class TestRun(object): """Test running the server"""
[docs] def test_run(self): """Test the run method""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv._run_process = Mock(return_value=MockProcess()) assert == 1 assert serv.proc is not None
[docs] def test_run_process(self): """Test _run_process method""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv._start_process = Mock(return_value=MockProcess()) serv.gst_option_string = '' ret = serv._run_process() assert ret is not None
[docs] def test_start_process_error(self, monkeypatch): """Test _start_process method""" serv = Server(path='abc') monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, 'Popen', Mock(side_effect=OSError)) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv._start_process('cmd')
[docs] def test_start_process_normal(self, monkeypatch): """Test _start_process normally""" serv = Server(path='abc') monkeypatch.setattr( subprocess, 'Popen', Mock(return_value=MockProcess())) serv._start_process('cmd')
[docs]class MockProcess(object): """A mock process""" def __init__(self, mode=True): self.mode = mode = 1
[docs] def terminate(self): """Terminate the mock process""" if self.mode is True: pass if self.mode is False: raise OSError('Testing terminate')
[docs] def kill(self): """Kill the mock process""" if self.mode is True: pass if self.mode is False: raise OSError('Testing kill')
[docs] def make_coverage(self): """Dump coverage""" pass
[docs]class MockPopen(object): """Mock Popen method""" def __init__(self, cmd, bufsize, shell): pass
[docs] def communicate(self): """Mock communicate method of Popen""" return 0, 0
[docs]class TestNormal(object): # Normal Functioning Tests """Test the functioning of tests under valid conditions"""
[docs] def test_normal_terminate(self): """Test terminal when normally called""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = MockProcess(True) serv.terminate() assert serv.proc is None
[docs] def test_normal_kill(self, monkeypatch): """Test kill when normally called""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'kill', Mock()) res = serv.kill() assert res is True assert serv.proc is None
[docs] def test_terminate(self): """Test terminate ServerProcessError""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = MockProcess(False) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.terminate()
[docs] def test_terminate_cov(self): """Test terminate and gcov_flush ServerProcessError""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = MockProcess(False) serv.gcov_flush = Mock() serv.make_coverage = Mock() with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.terminate(True)
[docs] def test_kill(self, monkeypatch): """Test kill ServerProcessError""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'kill', Mock(side_effect=OSError)) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.kill()
[docs] def test_kill_cov(self, monkeypatch): """Test kill and gcov_flush ServerProcessError""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = MockProcess(False) serv.gcov_flush = Mock() serv.make_coverage = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'kill', Mock(side_effect=OSError)) with pytest.raises(ServerProcessError): serv.kill(True)
[docs] def test_normal_gcov_flush(self, monkeypatch): """Test gcov_flush""" serv = Server(path='abc') serv.proc = Mock() monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'kill', Mock()) res = serv.gcov_flush() assert res is True assert serv.proc is not None
[docs] def test_make_coverage(self, monkeypatch): """Test dumping coverage""" serv = Server(path='abc') monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, 'Popen', MockPopen) serv.make_coverage()